Category: lifestyle, culture

Taken for Granted

Earlier last month, there was a request made by freshies in my college about a mathematics test being postponed by a week so that it doesn’t fall right after the diwali hols. It was scheduled on Monday following the diwali weekend. Even before the request letter signed by freshies read the mathematics department, the authorities

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Indian Summer Ads

Over this summer, I had access to what we usually don’t, television. Being kept away from television, I hadn’t seen ads for a year. This post is a sequel to a post of mine about a year ago. This year, I was surprised that Pepsi and Coke did not come up with ads lashing out

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What’s Your Status Today?

My college, for some reason, calls monthly tests as ‘quiz’. In our even semester, quizzes usually happen in second and third week of February around the time of St. Valentines Day, much to the disappointment of some students if i may add. My status on yahoo messenger (ym!) and Google talk was “Quiz is my

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Tech talk

My friend, two days back, was asking us on what we look forward to this semester. We were talking about uninteresting courses we have this semester. Thanks to the administration of IITM, we have been enjoying with our LAN and Internet for about 6 months now. What the diro and other admin people have done

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Almost Famous

“…Then daddy came in to kiss his little man, with gin on his breath and the Bible in his hand, and he talked about honour and things I should know it really didn’t matter how far I go…” A country music fan will immediately recognize this as a song from the great Don Williams. This

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