Category: rant

Random Facts

I was tagged by Bhaand to state 8 random fact about me. Here they are… 1) Before U2 was my fav band, it was bee gees. What many don’t know us that before that, it was Madonna 😛 2) I speak to my dad in Kannada, mom in Telegu (Kannada mixed) and bro in English

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Peg’s Law

* . Jokes(?) apart, it has been two years and surely I qualify to be called a veteran blogger. Coincidentally, it is my fiftieth post too. Do check out two of my favorite posts in last year (here and here). People loved this post as well.For a light post after a long time, I present

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Taken for Granted

Earlier last month, there was a request made by freshies in my college about a mathematics test being postponed by a week so that it doesn’t fall right after the diwali hols. It was scheduled on Monday following the diwali weekend. Even before the request letter signed by freshies read the mathematics department, the authorities

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We and our IPs

What occupies a small, but significant, part in an IIT-M ians life is making graffiti on the notices on the notice board. In an effort to be different, we call the notices IPs, standing for internal publicity. The fact remains that hardly anything we do deserves publicity, except acads of course. IPs fall into a

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Almost Famous

“…Then daddy came in to kiss his little man, with gin on his breath and the Bible in his hand, and he talked about honour and things I should know it really didn’t matter how far I go…” A country music fan will immediately recognize this as a song from the great Don Williams. This

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