Flaws in Google’s “Exposé”

I am unimpressed by Google’s “sting” operation and their accusations (link) against Bing. All Google did was expose a vulnerability in Bing’s algorithm and then cry wolf. Google should have conducted two more experiments before coming to their current conclusion. First, I will explain why the current operation does not mean anything (partly explained here).

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On Kashmir Issue

There are many articles on Kashmir without the viewpoint of an average Kashmiri. This post assumes that the protests in Kashmir today are not a product of the terrorist movement, but by average Kashmiris who are trying to make ends meet. I have seen a few points by media, friends, and few bloggers on this

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Games and Matches

In India, we call them cricket matches, football matches and tennis matches. In US, they call them ‘games’ rather than ‘matches’. Regardless of what they are called, it is interesting to see popularity of sports in different countries. Indians, for instance, cannot comprehend the reason for popularity of American Football in the US. Many of

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Cultural Insensitivity

A month back, my friends and I were talking about funding for different departments and graduate research assistant stipend during summer. I learnt that some student get twice as much during summer than during regular semester. I hadn’t asked my prof about my pay-check then. I did concede that it was partly because I find

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Social Responsibility

Update: This post has been edited for clarity and typos. What prompted me to write this is another post shared by my friend on Google Reader. It talks about Sarabjit Singh, a woman who did not want her husband released in exchange for terrorist. Kudos to her! I really admire her because she put her

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